
You are here because you want to learn more about becoming your own banker. That’s what the “Infinite Banking” concept has been about since R. Nelson Nash was first made aware of it during his own terrific financial crises in 1982 when the prime interest rate went to 21.5%. He says it was an answer to prayer. Financial troubles run deep and often drive people to their knees. Maybe you have been there and done that.

I welcome you to Bank-free Banking and to the training that will free you from the bankers’ grip and let you begin to make money like the bankers do while also attending to your financial needs like the bankers can do. That’s why Nash named his book “Becoming Your Own Banker”.

Bank-free banking is banking without an ordinary bank: like a fat-free food is food without fat. We will use the name “MyBank” for your new personal bank that will replace the one you are now using.

My name is Jackson Pemberton, and I am the originator of the phrase “bank-free banking” and I am also the guy Nash quoted on pages 31 and 32 of his book just cited. I wasn’t writing about finances, at least not directly, but about fundamental ideas of freedom: that the Constitution is the property of the people who must use it to control their government. That’s a different way of looking at the Constitution for many people. That’s a paradigm shift, a way of seeing things from a whole new viewpoint: a new perspective. And that will likely be your biggest challenge as you learn about bank-free banking. You will have to see familiar things from a viewpoint that is totally foreign to you.

One of this course’s major objectives is de-programming your brain from understanding banking the way bankers designed it (for their profit) and re-programming your thinking to recognize that you can pay interest to yourself on your loans. (That’s just one of the ideas you’ll discover.)

This is not just another how-to course that will give you some new skills. This is a naturopathic course that will reach deeply into your habits and way of thinking about life and build your character, giving you a notch up on your self-esteem, self-confidence, and ability to act instead of being acted upon. We will not focus on those things, but they will be the natural consequences of building your own MyBank. We are going to train you in some of the fundamentals of life as the economic entity that you are, and self-confidence and self-esteem will flow into you without compulsory means.

Anyway, I hope you have learned two things in this little discussion: that fundamental principles will help you comprehend the details in a way that keeps the details in order in your mind, and that learning what banking is fundamentally about will free your mind to see how to do bank-free banking.

We will be talking a lot about fundamentals because once you get those right, everything else falls into place. So we will try to unscrew your head, dump out the banker’s bias and fill it with fundamentals that will free you forever from the traps of banking as usual.

The Bank-free Banking Course

This course is about “becoming your own banker” and is derived, for the most part, from R. Nelson Nash’s book by that title. I will refer to his work from time to time, but this course will also draw heavily on my own life experiences, all 87 years of them. I have the distinct advantage of first becoming aware of bank-free banking only a year ago after paying at least a quarter of a million dollars in mortgage interest alone. So, I came to the shocking realization that I had lived the wrong financial life for 60 years! This is an advantage to you because I am a convert. I saw banking the same way life in today’s financial world has trained you to see it. I have struggled to make the paradigm shift that you must make. I think I can help you. So listen up! Together we can build your MyBank. I will provide the scaffolding, but you must do the building.

Continue to the Bank-free Banking Course

Read the full text of Nelson’s quote of Pemberton

Read a bio about R. Nelson Nash

Read a bio about Jackson Pemberton

Jackson Pemberton
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